
Hyundai Worldwide

Hyundai - This is Us.

 What happens when you win a global digital AOR pitch, and then a pandemic pauses everything two weeks later?
This was the challenge we faced with Hyundai Worldwide in March of 2020.
With a little help from our (stock + real) friends we made a brand film to get us all through.

Red Dot Award 2021 - Brand & Communication Winner

Hyundai - Micro Travel

Another challenge: all your grand pitch ideas cannot be realized because we’re all #StayAtHome.
We pivoted and realized the #MicroTravel series: 3 cities, 3 cars, finding hidden gems within 200km of the protagonist’s home.
Below is our trip with Konaction, a Berlin based photographer in a hydrogen car making the drive sustainable. We loved the juxtaposition of old and new, exploring the industrial and traditional relics outside of Berlin while traveling in a hydrogen vehicle.
